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The Prime Code

Everybody seems to be finding hidden messages from above these days. I see that a piece of grilled cheese toast with the supposed burnt image of Christ on it went for a fortune on Ebaytm recently. Now there is a very popular bestseller out there analyzing Da Vinci’s Last Supper, proposing that Jesus married Mary Magdalene -- and that his blood still runs in the veins of European royalty. Only slightly before that, I read where the Torah was found to contain spot-on, modern prophetic messages when its characters were rearranged in modulo table fashion. Jeez, I’m really starting to feel left out here.

My idea is that anybody can find his own hidden message if he looks hard enough. Why not me? With my unique talent for focusing neurotically on insignificant things, I certainly ought to be able to tease out a message around here somewhere.

I decided to look for my own message within one of my long-time favorite areas of interest, prime number theory. I’ve been fascinated by prime numbers since I was 11 years old -- and still am. Primes, you will recall, are whole numbers which are equally divisible only by themselves and the number 1. Starting from 1 and counting up, primes are discovered at 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, etc. All the other numbers in between are divisible by one of the earlier numbers counted; these are called factors of that non-prime number. You can break down those factors (by finding their own sub-factors, if they have any) into a collection of lower-value factors. These are always prime numbers themselves, and are known as prime factors. But a prime number has no factors at all, except for itself and the number 1.  (You can argue whether or not the number 1 is a prime number.  I've treated it somewhat inconsistently here -- but that won't detract from my exposition.)

(If you take a couple of really large prime numbers and multiply them together, you get a huger number that is extremely difficult to factor, even by a powerful computer.  This difficulty in factoring big numbers made up of two large primes is the basis of all modern encryption -- the thing that keeps people from stealing your credit card number when you make an online transaction.)

Being an extremely visual-type person, I like to see the primes in a graphical way. For example, suppose I draw little boxes in a row, each box representing a counting number, and paint in the ones which are prime, like so:

Of course, when you do this you run out of page width quickly. What I can do is to select a certain width value, so the sequential numbers can wrap around and begin again on the next row.

Now, it turns out that if you make this value a multiplicand of the first several primes (say, 30, which equals 2 X 3 X 5), an interesting thing happens – well, interesting to me at least. See the image to the left. You will find that most of the columns don’t contain any primes at all. These are "dead" columns, and with some thought it’s easy to understand why. Every cell under each of the even-numbered columns contain numbers that that are divisible by 2. The numbers under every 3rd column are divisible by 3. Everything in every 5th column is divisible by 5. But some of the columns don’t have this property. When you get to column number 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23 and 29, the numbers underneath them may or may not be divisible by the top number. (You can make those columns "dead" also, by including their initial prime number in your total table width calculation; for example, width 210 = 2 X 3 X 5 X 7 will make every 7th column a "dead" one.)

These "live" columns are where the primes reside. You can see that there are also lots of primes under the "1" column. Looking at it from this perspective, I would make the case that the number 2, 3, and 5 are really "faulty" primes in this particular arrangement. They just get included because they came really early in the prime "test", and their "dead" column status comes as a consequence of them being a party to establishing the total width of the row.

I say ignore all the columns that don’t have any primes appearing after the first row, including the columns headed by those wimpy primes 2, 3 and 5. All they do is detract from the pattern. We can then collapse the good fruitful columns so that they are right next to each other. See the image to the right. This really densifies all the primes and we get a much more interesting total pattern. Trouble is, now we’re running out of room too soon on the page height! I suppose we could just increase the original table width to make the whole table more square, but instead, why don’t we do what we did to the row length: start wrapping the columns around when they get down near the bottom of the page. So we continue to plot our (in this case) 8-column table, bringing it up and positioning it next to and to the right of the first column plots.

Eventually, we will end up with a nice square page-filling table showing the primes lit up. Is it a random pattern? Doesn’t look like it to me. There are tantalizing hints of patterns and small sub-patterns that seem to be in there. If I take off my reading glasses and squint, it makes it even more interesting. There are sections of dots in there that look almost like characters or symbols. Is it only my imagination that there’s a message there somewhere?

Trouble is, there’s too much "noise" residing in the total pattern. So why don’t we run this table image through a filter of some sort to screen out the clutter?  Say, we eliminate every prime dot that doesn’t have at least 3 prime neighbors existing in the 8 cells immediately surrounding it. And maybe switch to B&W to really try to bring those sub-images out, making the prime dots black against white.

Ah-ha! There is definitely something trying to come out here. It truly is an embedded message:  the words "my" and "site".  These words have been hidden since the Big Bang itself, buried deep within the primordial flux of pure number theory. Surely it is a message that God Himself, in His omniscience, created when He first numbered all the grains of sand in our universe. A clear message that must mark this site as something extraordinary indeed:  a site favored in the eye of the Supreme Being.  Verily, all men shall marvel over this wonder, for it is recorded here on...

   Back to Prime Number Explorations...  

While this article is quite obviously a parody of the current blitz of "divine message" publications, the mathematics in it are absolutely on the level. You can produce the same image yourself using a starting modulo-30 prime table, collapsed to 8 "live" columns as noted above (1, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23 and 29), and then wrapping the 8-wide vertical columns after every 84 rows. Filter the resulting image as I’ve described, and voilà!

I’ve wanted to do a piece on prime numbers for this site for some time, and for some reason this "hidden message" nonsense popped into my mind when I began to plan it. I honestly didn’t know what, if anything, would turn up while I was arranging and manipulating these prime plots. Maybe I've been focusing so hard on my site lately, it was just meant to be!

The vertical compressed prime column table above reminds me an awfully lot of the early programming card strips they used in the old Jacquard looms, first built about 1804.  I ran into one of these antique strips one time, and its image is shown here.  Jacquard's loom was actually an improvement of an earlier punched-card loom made by Jacques de Vaucanson in 1745.  These were the first examples of numerically controlled (NC) machines, whose principles were later to be adopted by the Hollerith (later IBM) Company, eventually culminating in the modern programmable computer.

In my first job after graduating from college, back in 1968, I had to program and punch out paper NC program tapes, using a special sort of typewriter called a Friden Flexowriter.  In this case, my punched NC program strips controlled a machine that put eyelets into printed circuit cards, giving it the x and y coordinates to move to for each eyelet and telling it to "do its thing" at each location.  The tape looked just like the compressed prime column table shown above.  It was a fun project to work on!

The Jacquard loom program card strip was wrapped around into a continuous cylinder, so that the pattern would repeat endlessly.  I wonder what kind of fabric weave pattern you would get by selecting some of the rows in the prime table and making them into a Jacquard loom program?  Why don't we find out here?

See also http://www.csicop.org/si/9711/bible-code.html#author for an interesting article by David E Thomas on hidden text messages, insofar as they relate to the claims purported in Michael Drosnin's 1997 book The Bible Code.

And for even more of my neurotic prime number explorations, see here.




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